Saturday, Dec. 14, 2019
We will make seedless jam from our own blackberries, kiwis, and currants.
Expect to work from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., with a lunch break. We will provide all the jam making materials, and you will take home 2 half pint jars of jam. Please bring your own packed lunch. Class is limited to 8.
Cost: $50 Prepayment is required.
You can book a room in addition to the workshop by choosing the correct option, below. Rooms are $100/night/single occupancy, or $150/night double occupancy, with 2 night minimum required. This is for bedroom only—common spaces and bathrooms are shared. You will be billed for one night with the balance paid after the workshop. If you have questions, please call Riley at 360-758-7616.